XP to OctoPoints conversion
What’s up Octies!
Our Community members have been carrying out various assignments for several months at this point, earning OctoPoints for each. We’ve finished 15 Collection Challenges and 15 Quick Tasks as well as the Meme and Invite Contests with 3500+ OctoPoints having been distributed to the Octies as rewards so far. The OctoGamex team is immensely grateful for your diligent application and sparkling creativity performing the tasks. Building a strong welcoming international GameFi community is our top-priority goal.
And today we’d like to announce a vital update influencing the course of the subsequent OctoGamex events. Now your normal chatting on the OctoGamex Discord server will be earning you XP x0.75. You can get XP in the following threads only: #global-chat, #crypto-talks, #games-talks, #chat-room and in the Squad chats. You can also get XP participating in light challenges and giveaways.
Please note that in each of the channels you must follow the rules of communication. For excessive SPAM or off-topic communication you will forfeit your earned XP.
Why Do I Need XP?
From now on out each OctoGamex Challenge rewarding OctoPoints is available exclusively to the Discord server users designated @ Inkster. The @ Inkster role is assigned automatically once Level 3 is reached.
What Can I Do With XP at Level 3 Onwards?
We’re launching our internal OctoGamex Discord Store where you can swap the XP you’ve managed to gain for OctoPoints at the following rate:
500 XP = 1 OctoPoint
1000 XP = 2 OctoPoints
1400 XP = 3 OctoPoints
2000 XP = 5 OctoPoints
Even on hitting Level 3 you’ll be able to keep on getting XP and communicating, which is going to lead you to some palpable fiat currency profits eventually.
To initiate an XP-OctoPoints swap you need to hop into the #xp-exchange thread and open “ticket” up.
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