Weekly Digest 17.10–23.10
Hi, Octies! October is slowly coming to an end. Do you know what has no end? A portion of weekly good news in the OctoGamex lagoon!
Last week was very busy, and to be honest, we worked very hard, and didn’t always have time for entertainment… However, believe us, it was worth it and we have something to surprise you!
Welcome to the traditionally cozy Weekly Digest!
We have opened our ambassador program
Finally, Octies! You have been waiting — we have done it!
Last week the OctoGamex team announced the official recruitment to the ambassador program!
What benefits will you get by becoming our ambassador? To begin with, you will automatically find yourself in the epicenter of all OctoGamex events. That is, you will be the first to know about all the insights and the main news!
But that’s not all! When you log in to the AMB platform, you can immediately complete tasks and receive points for this, which will later be converted into a native OctoGamex token (0.2% of all tokens are allocated for the ambassador program).
In addition, we promise you bonus tokens for the great partnership you perform.
Who can join the ambassador program? Anyone who is interested in the topic of NFT and blockchain in general and wants to be the first to know the expert opinion! To be a part of something bigger, you don’t have to be a content creator, you can focus on other niches that are already available in our program.
Today, the program includes 6 such areas: such as community moderation, content, testers, events, social communications and strategic partnerships.
Learn more about the ambassador program here.
OctoGamex partnership with The Neighbours
Last week our team started a partnership with The Neighbours!
The Neighbours is a metaverse game where players can buy and own real estate in the NFT format.
The play2earn game gives you the opportunity to build your own real estate empire in an open metaverse!
In the game you can earn unlimited internal tokens $NEIBR by selling game assets or your own avatars for them. Also in The Neighbours you can easily control the game through DAO.
The common goals of OctoGamex and The Neighbours can open the blockchain doors for everyone! And now, OctoGamex & HiNeighbours have already prepared something for you…
An OctoGamex AMA session with War Legends
Last Wednesday, we held an AMA session with Daniel Johnsen — War Legends Chief Creative Officer. At the AMA we discussed a lot of interesting things and learned about the news from the world of War Legends. Daniel Johnsen chose 5 best questions from the community and answered them. In addition to an interesting time, the winners received 1 Bronze Lootbox & 40 $BUSD
OctoGamex & TheNeighbours collab giveaway
Last week, on the 21st of October, OctoGamex & The Neighbours held a collab giveaway in which everyone can take part. For the correct fulfillment of all conditions of the giveaway — a prize in the form: x1 Meta Donut ≈ $1500 x5 WL Private Sale. You have 72 hours to fulfill these simple conditions!
We sincerely congratulate the winners!
Octies, did you really think that we would leave you without informative NFT content? Last week, we decided to tell you about the technical side of NFT, taking into account its specifics.
What is a multi chain and cross chain NFT marketplace?
This article provides a detailed definition of a multi-chain and cross-chain NFT marketplace and the main advantages of this format.
What is an NFT smart contract?
Here we have revealed the essence of the NFT smart contract and proved the expert opinion why this phenomenon is the best way to protect your assets today.
We hope that you have had time to read these articles and become informed and you’re ready to move on to traditional news in the NFT world.
NFT’s news
Frodo Baggins and his NFT-adventures or Launch Lord Of The Rings NFT Experience!
Last week, Warner Bros launched the cult blockbuster in the NFT experience format. How does it work?
In general, Warner Bros divided the Lord Of The Rings NFT collection into 2 packages. The first package “Premium Mystery Edition” fans can purchase for only $30 and get a collection of 10,000 coin NFTs, among which may be common, unusual and rare features. By choosing this package, owners will receive an interactive menu in one of three places to navigate in LOTR. If you choose the other package, “Premiere Epic Edition,” for $100, you will get full interactive navigation available in all three locations. This collection includes 999 very rare NFTs and gives you the opportunity to earn additional bonuses. This is the first time a major Hollywood studio has released a movie using the power of web3.
State Securities Regulators Move To Shut Down Metaverse Casino Slotie
The recent decision of the State Securities Regulators was the closure of the world famous metaverse casino Slotie. The decision is justified by the fact that the casino was selling unregistered securities through its platform.
Slotie is an online casino built on the blockchain, which conducts gambling in more than 150 casinos. On October 20, state securities regulators from Texas, New Jersey, Kentucky, and Alabama urgently withdrew their NFT collections from this organization. In addition, a collection of 10,000 NFT Slots was sold, which was a controlling ownership stake in the Slots capital.
However, state regulators said that these were illegal securities that violated certain state laws. As such, Slotie is banned from selling NFTs in 4 states in America.
Reddit Claims To Have Onboarded 3 Million Users To NFTs
As of today, about 3 million Reddit users have opened crypto wallets to receive Reddit NFT. This summer, the social network announced the distribution of free NFT for its users. Having NFT in your possession, you can sell it, trade it or just store it. However, to do this, you must first register a Reddit Vault crypto wallet. Thus, 3 million users have joined the NFT community, which is more than OpenSea, which has only 2.3 million active wallets!
About OctoGamex
OctoGamex is a multichain NFT Management Platform, enabling Web3 Infrastructure for In-Game & Metaverse Assets. OctoGamex is a competent and universal entry point into the world of GameFi, DeFi and blockchain in general. After all, every day the Octo team develops innovative solutions to make the complex world of blockchain your comfort zone!
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