Spooky Weekly Digest 24.10. — 30.10.
Booo, Octies! The scariest day of the year has come. Prepare your costumes and decorate your houses because today’s portion of selected Helovvinov horror awaits you. Today, spirits and ghosts visit the home of every Octies, and you are in for a real treat if you have a sweet tooth.
Imps, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and giant spiders occupy the streets of our beloved lagoon. How can you prepare? Read our Spooky Weekly Digest to understand how the last week at OctoGamex went in the lead-up to Halloween. Trick or Treat, and no other way!
Partnership with Happy Land
Last week, the OctoGamex lagoon expanded and mastered another profession for itself. Now we can make pumpkin heads with flair because Happy Land has partnered with every Octies. It is a whole ecosystem of mini-games within the Play-to-Earn mechanic, united in an incredible metauniverse where everyone can feel like a farmer and landowner! Don’t waste time and enter Happy Land.
Partnership with MetaSocHub
Do you love football, Octies? Then you will simply be blown away by our partnership. After all, last week in the hall of Halloween, we had fun with MetaSocHub — the world’s first metauniverse that allows cooperation with various football projects in the Web3 and FanTokens network. We were looking forward to this partnership because we can implement the most daring sports decisions and ideas together.
AMA Session with The Neighbours
In addition to real life, Octies are very fond of reincarnating for something incredible and unusual. And last week, we had a fantastic AMA session with the equally mysterious and incredible Micha, CMO of TheNeighbors. We had a conversation about play2earn and free2play open-world life simulators. Well, the reward was x1 Meta Donut Business, which is equal to $1500!
AMA Session with Tap Fantasy
We invited our warlike friends from Tap Fantasy to another AMA Session. Yeah, the Tap Fantasy team truly knows all the benefits of Halloween. We discuss the leading topics of GameFi industry development, our future cooperation, as well as many important topics related to NFT and blockchain games. The prize pool was $250 BUSD for the five most active participants.
OctoGamex x MetaSocHub Giveaway
Last week, good news poured in one after another! We didn’t have time to get started with MetaSocHub, as we immediately held a Giveaway. It is a really sporty solution! We try to implement many events for you, dear Octies, so you never have time to be bored. Five lucky winners shared $150BUSD for the most skillful “goals” and “hat-tricks”. Also, go Octies to new gaming heights together.
OctoGamex x Delysium Giveaway
And it was the turn of the mysterious and mystical Delysium. Last week, we created the most mysterious Giveaway for all Octies. In the Halloween atmosphere, it was a real carnival. After all, the prizes of this game are definitely crazy! Delysium offered 500 Delysium Common rifle NFT, 500 Delysium suit NFT, and 100 WL spots for pre-season/season 1. We hope you are ready for this and have time to participate in this incredible event.
And finally, we have not forgotten how Octies love different interesting stories. Especially on Halloween. Our know-it-all Octies has written some great articles this past week and is kind enough to share them with you! These were reviews of some of the most popular NFT games we’ve integrated on OctoGamex. Kryxivia and Tap Fantasy will not leave anyone indifferent! Full of real adventures, these games will knock the ground out from under your feet and spin you into a whirlwind of adventure and treasure hunting.
About OctoGamex
OctoGamex is a multichain NFT Management Platform, enabling Web3 Infrastructure for In-Game & Metaverse Assets. Our platform is a universal access point to the world of Game Fi and DeFi. Octie’s team works every day to make your entry into the blockchain world as clear as possible!
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